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{Azure} Apatite, Kyanite bracelet/ {蔚藍}磷輝石, 藍晶石手鍊

S$ 95.00
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The overall tone of this Apatite bracelet is the feeling of blue sky, add with dark blue kyanite, white moonstone and aquamarine, there is a very pure sense of peace, calm and hopeful at the same time.


Size: 6mm / Wrist size : 16 cm


<Apatite's Benifits>

 1. Apatite has the effect of strengthening bones and improving physical fitness.

 2. Apatite is a very peaceful gemstone, enabling people who often disagree with each other to work together in peace.

 3. Wearing apatite can help people who are more self-centered, radicalized and stubborn, become more gentle and peaceful.

 Apatite can stimulate enthusiasm and strengthen energy reserves.

 It can also absorb the negative energy of oneself and others.

 Apatite can also stimulate creativity, improve intelligence, help eliminate doubts and obtain information;

 Expand knowledge and truth, ease emotions, apatite can eliminate frustration and help people identify with legitimate desires.

 The released energy can also clear the meridians and make the body's energy unblocked. Apatite can also inhibit overactivity and improve lack of vitality, so that physical, emotional, spiritual, and spiritual are all in a harmonious state.

Blank Avenu


{蔚藍} 磷灰石手鍊

這條磷灰石手鍊整體的色調是湛藍天空的感覺,搭配深藍色的藍晶石,白月光石和海藍寶石,有一種很純粹的 和平的感覺,平靜同時也充滿希望。


-尺寸:6.5cmm / 手圍 : 16cm


  • 磷灰石具有強筋骨、改善體質的作用。
  • 磷灰石是一種非常平和的寶石,能讓經常意見相左的人和平共處。
  • 佩戴磷灰石可以幫助那些更以自我為中心、激進和固執的人變得更加溫和和平。
  • 磷灰石能激發熱情,加強能量儲備。也可以吸收自己和他人的負能量。
  • 磷灰石還可以激發創造力,提高智力,幫助消除疑慮和獲取信息;擴展知識和真理,緩解情緒,磷灰石可以消除挫敗感,幫助人們認同合法的慾望。
    釋放出來的能量還可以疏通經絡,使身體的能量暢通無阻。 磷灰石還可以抑製過度活躍,改善缺乏活力,使身體、情緒、精神和精神都處於和諧狀態。

Blank Avenu

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