  • 2023-02-07-00-29-12-566
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《Seraphinite》handmade pendant. 《綠龍晶》手工墜

S$ 136.00
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Seraphinite is a deep forest green stone that has feathery streaks across the surface. The feather-like lines are comprised of mica, giving them a shimmery quality. Typically, the feathery striations are silvery in appearance. Its main origin area is near Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia.

Seraphinite's pattern has a sense of flow and interlacing. This design is a playful and lively line that encourages you to develop your creativity.

  • Size: W19x H34 mm

  • Material: Antique Copper wire braiding / 24. 5" brass bead necklace ( If need to change the necklace length or replace into adjustable necklace "rope", please note on the order)

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Seraphinite 是一種深森林綠色石頭,表面有羽毛狀條紋。羽毛般的線條由雲母組成,賦予它們閃亮的質感。通常,羽毛狀的條紋外觀呈銀色。主要產區為俄羅斯西伯利亞的貝加爾湖附近。


  • 尺寸: 寬19x高3.4 cm
  • 材質: 復古紅銅線 編織 / 24.5"黃銅珠練 (如需更改長度或更換成可調式繩練,請於訂單備註)
  • Blank Avenu
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