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《Smoky Amethyst》 handmade pendant. 《煙燻紫水晶》手工墜

S$ 175.00
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《Smoky Amethyst》 handmade pendant.

The two crystals are: Flat crystal smoked amethyst / Amethyst Point.

1. This Smoky Amethyst crystal has hematite and rutile including, which will shine with the inner brilliance under the light! Curved weaving design, very retro style.

  • Size: W3.5x H1.7cm
  • Material: Antique Copper wire braiding / 22" brass necklace (if need to replace into adjustable rope, please note on the order)

2. (SOLD) This Amethyst crystal is fat and cute, very transparent, and it has shades of purple, so beautiful! The design is staggered lines with titanium color copper wire.

  • Size: Width 3.3x Height 1.3cm
  • Material: Titanium color copper wire braiding / Browm adjustable rope


Wisdom, calm, leadership, humility

The beautiful purple color of amethyst symbolizes wisdom and leadership, focus and calm. Amethyst teaches humble wisdom , help us look at life with a higher perspective, and then be able to detach and see the truth. 

Smoky Quartz

Warmth Stability Security Manifestation Grounded

The energy of smoky quartz is very warm and stable, release the lingering emotional, let go of attachment, and then keep yourself connected with the frequency of light. Smoky Quartz can help us improve our depression and anxiety or erratic state, bringing us a sense of stability and security, softness and trust.


  • Can relieve anxiety, eliminate anger, balance mood swings. 
  • Help to improve intuition and spiritual power. 
  • For addiction, Amethyst provides awareness and brings sobriety.
  • Place amethyst around the head, bring calm and helping sleep.
  • The calming energy of amethyst, good to lungs and respiratory tract, skin, digestion and immune system.
  • Wearing amethyst can protect people from mental attacks.
Blank Avenu



1. 煙燻紫水晶內部包含赤鐵礦及髮晶, 會隨著燈光閃耀內在的光彩! 曲線編織設計, 非常復古風~

  • 尺寸: 寬3.5x高1.7cm
  • 材質: 復古紅銅線 編織 / 22"黃銅練 (如需更換成可調式繩練,請於訂單備註)

2. 這顆 紫水晶晶體胖胖的, 很透, 又有深淺變化, 很美喔! 設計採用鈦色銅線交錯線條。


  • 尺寸: 寬3.3x高1.3cm
  • 材質: 鈦色銅線 編織 / 可調式皮繩

紫水晶 : 智慧,平靜,領導力,謙卑 

紫水晶美麗的紫色象徵智慧與領導力,專注與平靜.紫水晶教導著謙卑的智慧 ,幫助我們用更高的視野來看待生命,進而能超脫與看見真實.

煙晶 : 溫暖 穩定 安全感 顯化 根植大地

煙晶的能量很溫暖而穩定,釋放滯留的情緒垃圾,放掉執著,進而能讓自身保持與光的頻率連結. 煙晶能幫助我們改善沮喪與焦慮或是飄忽不定的狀態,帶給我們穩定與安全感,柔軟與信任. 


  • 可以緩解焦慮,消除憤怒,平衡情緒波動。
  • 幫助提升直覺和精神力。
  • 對於成癮,紫水晶提供覺察能力,帶來清醒。
  • 將紫水晶放在頭部周圍,幫助平靜與睡眠。
  • 紫水晶的鎮定能量,對肺部和呼吸道,皮膚, 消化,免疫系統有幫助.
  • 保護人們防範精神攻擊.

Blank Avenu

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