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Smudge sage sticks set : White/Blue/Palo Santo / 塗抹鼠尾草棒組合: 白/藍/聖木

S$ 26.00
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White Sage 

Smudging white Sage, can transform heavy negative energy and bring a relaxed and clean atmosphere to the body, mind and space. 

  • In rituals or meditation, to purify and protect. 
  • Also can purify any item you want. 
  • To use when tidying up and cleaning the environment. 


Blue Sage 

Smudging with Blue sage has a light and refreshing aroma.You can follow the feeling to smudge the parts of the body that need to stretch the energy, and you will feel a soft flowing sensation after smudging.

  • When you want to create a light atmosphere for meditation.
  • When you doing work related to creation, reduce anxiety and enhance your inspiration. 
  • Bring a soft and flowing to the space.


Usage: While burning the sage for purify space, let the smoke of sage soak everywhere in the space, and leave the window open to ventilate. Let the negative energy be transformed and gone with the wind. 

For the purification before meditation, put a few leaves, so that the smoke not too big, and cleaning the front and back of body and head.

After use, prepare a heat-resistant metal or ceramic container, and insert the sage stick upside down into the container or sand to extinguish.

Product information :

‧ Size : 3.5-4" / 2 Sticks per pack.
‧ Origin: California

Blank Avenu


  • 用在儀式,或冥想前,來淨化與保護,
  • 可淨化空間,身體氣場,以及任何你想淨化的物品.
  • 整理與打掃環境時使用.




  • 當你想在冥想時,創造輕盈的氛圍
  • 進行與創造有關工作時,減輕焦慮感,提升你的靈感. 
  • 為空間帶來輕柔的流動感.





  • 尺寸 : 長 3.5-4英吋
  • 一包內有兩根鼠尾草棒
  • 產地:美國加州

Blank Avenu

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