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Palo Santo Incense Sticks. 祕魯聖木條

S$ 15.00
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Palo Santo

The name Palo Santo means "Holy Wood". The Palo Santo trees live for 80 to 90 years. After natural death, the tree must remain in its natural habitat for 4 to 10 years to complete its metamorphosis. Only then do its sacred, medicinal and mystical properties come alive. 

The sacred and healing scent and smoke of Palo Santo Wood simultaneously provides energetic protection, removes negative energy, uplifts the energy, and brings good luck.


Palo Santo has a very warm and grounded scent and brings a sense of stability. It is also very suitable as a preparation before meditation, calming your mind and feel relaxed.

  • Purify and protect your energy body.
  • Helps you focus and center your energy.
  • Mosquito repellent. 
  • Origin: Ecuador

Blank Avenu


Palo Santo 這個名字的意思是“聖木”。Palo Santo樹的壽命為 80 至 90 年。在自然死亡之後,樹木必須在其自然棲息地保持 4 到 10 年才能完成其轉換,它的神聖、藥用和神秘特性才能活躍起來。




  • 淨化與保護你的氣場.
  • 幫助專注與集中你的能量.
  • 驅蚊.
  • 產地 : 厄瓜多

Blank Avenu

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